Personal data policy.

The Noon Gun Personal Data Policy effective May 2024


The Noon Gun takes the protection of our members' personal data with the utmost seriousness. This Personal Data Policy outlines our practices in alignment with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) of South Africa, as well as other relevant data protection regulations.


  • Personal Information: Any information relating to an identifiable individual, as defined by POPIA. This includes names, contact details, property addresses, and other unique identifiers.

  • Processing: Any operation or set of operations performed on personal information, including collection, recording, use, storage, retrieval, disclosure, and disposal.

Principles of Data Processing

Our data processing activities adhere to the following POPIA principles:

  • Lawfulness, Fairness, Transparency: We obtain and process personal information lawfully, fairly, and with transparency.

  • Purpose Limitation: Personal information is collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes as outlined in our Privacy Policy. We only use personal information for reasons compatible with the original collection.

  • Data Minimization: We only collect the personal information strictly necessary to fulfill our purposes, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

  • Accuracy: We take reasonable steps to ensure personal information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

  • Security Safeguards: We implement robust security measures, both technical and organizational, to protect personal information against unauthorized access, loss, or destruction.

  • Accountability: We are responsible for establishing and maintaining procedures in line with POPIA.

  • Retention: Personal information is kept only for as long as necessary for specified purposes and in accordance with legal obligations.

Information We Collect & How We Use It

Refer to the "Information We Collect" and "How We Use Your Information" sections in our Privacy Policy for a comprehensive overview.

Your Rights under POPIA

  • Access and Correction: You have the right to access and request corrections to your personal information.

  • Objection and Restriction: Under certain conditions, you may object to or request restriction of our processing of your personal information.

  • Deletion: You may request that we erase your personal information, subject to certain limitations under POPIA.

  • Data Portability: You may request a copy of your personal information in a portable format.

  • Lodging a Complaint: If you have concerns, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Regulator of South Africa.

Security Measures

  • Secure Storage with MemberSpace: Member login details are securely stored and managed by MemberSpace, a highly compliant membership platform.

  • Encryption: We employ appropriate data encryption techniques when personal information is transmitted.

  • Access Controls: Access to personal information is granted only to authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis.

  • Incident Response: We have an incident response plan to promptly address any suspected data breaches.

Cookies & Tracking Technologies

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies (e.g., web beacons, pixels) to improve the functionality of our website, personalize your experience, and analyze website usage. Cookies are small text files stored on your device.

Types of Cookies We Use

  • Essential Cookies: These are necessary for basic website functions (e.g., enabling navigation, login access).

  • Performance Cookies: These collect information about how you use our website, helping us improve its performance.

  • Functionality Cookies: These remember your preferences and personalize your experience.

  • Third-Party Cookies: Some of our service providers may use cookies to collect information and serve relevant advertisements.

International Transfers

Since The Noon Gun utilizes for secure member account management, your login credentials may be stored on servers located outside of South Africa. MemberSpace adheres to strict data security standards and maintains a global network of secure data centers. However, to ensure transparency, we acknowledge that by using The Noon Gun platform, you consent to the potential transfer of your login information to these secure MemberSpace servers.

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to update this Personal Data Policy. Significant changes will be communicated to you via email or a prominent notice on our website.

Contact Us

For questions or to exercise your rights under POPIA, please contact us at: info[at]

Effective Date: 01 May 2024